Do you consider yourself a ‘clean eater’?
I know I do.
I’m constantly talking to my clients about the benefits of eating whole, organic, plant-based foods.
But even the most diligent of healthy eaters can still come up deficient in key nutrients if we don’t keep an eye on things.
For example, how much do you know about your magnesium levels? Or your omega 3:6 ratio?
Low magnesium can have a huge impact on your sleep and mood, and low omega-3 levels can contribute to a whole host of issues as we get older.
But there’s often no way of knowing what’s truly going on unless we test.
This month, my friend Dr. Alan Hopkins and his team at are offering their Nutrients and Omegas Panel for just $299 – that’s almost $200 off the usual price.
This panel evaluates your kidney and liver function; analyzes important nutrient levels including vitamin D, vitamin B9, vitamin B12, magnesium, iron, zinc, and selenium; and checks your omega 3:6 index.
Because better knowledge = better health.
Find out more about the Your Lab Work Nutrients and Omegas Paneland order yours for a discounted rate of $299
P.S. This article outlines 5 key nutrients even the healthiest among us might be missing and what a nutrient test could tell you about your health.