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Ashley Black

Healthy Fascia

Humans and horses both have fascia, it’s that thin connective tissue directly underneath our skin, around our organs, through our muscles and includes tendons and ligaments. Myofacia is the fascia connected to our muscular system and muscle fibers. Damage or restrictions in the myofascial system may restrict movement or cause pain. Research has shown that fascia also affects our emotional and physical states.


Ashley Black’s FasciaBlaster tools are designed to soften and release the fibers around our muscles. The palpation of the fascia regenerates the tissue deep into the muscle. Releasing fascia can also release stress and tension in our bodies. Click here to learn about releasing trauma from the fascia.


Two of Zsuzsu’s favorite tools are the FaceBlaster and the Mini2 shown below. Contact her for tips on using these tools. 


The Mini 2â„¢ is a #1 selling tool with its nugget tips that target the tough areas easily!  I use the MINI 2 on my horses as well as my client's horses. The horses love it and stand stock still, only moving to show me which part of their body wants it next.


The FaceBlaster™ is a unique design, and our smallest Blaster tool, with small claws that employ the same benefits of the FasciaBlaster® and took the world by storm in 2017 and is still a best-selling product today!

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